Monday, March 19, 2012

Street Photography

When I first saw this sign, I was slightly confused at first but realized the sign was about the naturally disaster in Japan

Many people sit on the street asking for money for some reason, this women didn't ask for money, she asked for warmth and a friend.

These whistles were made to sound like little birds. They reminded me of my summer day spent at my grandparents house walking down to the pond to listen to the frogs.

I have never learned how to use a parking pass ticket. This girl looked like it had been her first time too.

Everyone needs to catch a break on a long day of work. Even if it is a short break to smoke a cigarette...

An early work out in the morning to get you through the day always helps. Especially when his work out was to walk to the Nike store and buy more Nike equipment that he doesn't need.

This guy seems like he would have been a fun guy to hang out with and have a nice "jam sesh" in the recording studio.

This couple made me laugh. I thought it was funny how the man had already gotten the women, he was with, flowers and once she dropped the bag, she ordered him to pick it up for her while watching him in disappointment.

This man stood on the corner watching over his taxi in his sophisticated long coat, keeping a close eye on what my camera and I were doing.

This is the Palm Reader my friend and I went to see. She gave very insightful information that inspired me.
This man reminded me of a sailor with his bright yellow hat and rain coat walking down the rain-filled streets of Portland

Friday, March 9, 2012


Over the past four years I have had this cork board that has everything from my name tag from outdoor school in eighth grade to my invitation for a Halloween party from a couple months ago.

As the years go on I become more interested in Photo and less in my painting, my blank canvas stares at me every time I go into that room wishing I would finally paint again.

My sister has always been an amazing artist from her painting to her drawing to her photography work. Taking a picture of her easel helped show others my inspiration for the work I do.