Friday, May 25, 2012

Five Senses

Feeling: My friend, for my birthday, bought me this ring. We now call them our friendship rings and I wear it everyday to the point that my finger is consis

Sight: "13 Reasons Why" is one of my favorite books. 

Smell: As the years go on my collection of perfume grows larger and larger. Also my favorite ones start disappearing but I can't throw the bottles away for some strange reason...

Hear: I constantly accessorize my ears with earrings from my studs to my dangly ones that hang down to the top of shoulders

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Walking death

In photo class today we smashed our faces against the scanner and found out that it morphed our faces. That day was the day of silence to show respect of anyone who has been killed by a drunk driver... I was an example of death.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


As you can see these two pictures so my backyards point of view from the chairs I sit in to have a fire on some warm summer nights.

At the park, I sat on the sings and looked too my left to see all these house in a row facing their sides to me, then there was that one single house all by itself; as if the houses were paving a walk way to that house.

When I moved into the house that I am currently living in right now, we were the first house in the neighborhood. Now everyday I look out my window and a new house is being built up around where nature used to live free.

The view from the top of Bull Mountain is breath taking, especially during night, or on a sunny day.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Intimacy Project

After a successful day on the tennis courts, my friends celebrate with a BIG hug 

My friends are the ones that understand me best... crazy, funny, and ready to do anything

Laugher is my favorite quality in people.

As my friend sits listening to her video, laughing at herself for how ridiculous she was being in the video.

As my friend runs by after school, I catch the moment of her in mid laughter. 

crazy, yet the best to have fun with.

Dance has been the one thing to get me through all my struggles. To put that much dedication into one thing with resulting in pure bliss is what I love most about dance.

Like I said previously, laughter is my favorite qualities in a person. Laughter is what gets everyone through a hard day

My friend is smiling over her victory in her tennis match earlier that day.